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Book of design. Homes & gardens



Book of Design (Homes & Gardens) : Innovative yet pragmatic, and focusing on lasting results rather than quick fixes, here is a unique resource with the authority and expertise of one of the world's leading interior design magazines.


  • ISBN: 1841881899
  • Páginas: 256
  • Tamaño: 23X28
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2002

Disponibilidad: 15 a 30 Días

Contenido Book of design. Homes & gardens

Book of Design (Homes & Gardens) : Innovative yet pragmatic, and focusing on lasting results rather than quick fixes, here is a unique resource with the authority and expertise of one of the world's leading interior design magazines. In exploring the keynotes of decoration and design space, shape, lighting, color, materials, and fabric you can learn what makes an individual room work. Celebrate these contemporary interpretations of classic concepts, which are paired with illuminating explanations of how and why each look succeeds. Instead of opting for the latest (and passing) trends, you'll learn to make visual sense of your home and, because you'll really understand the rationale behind imaginative style, you'll have the confidence to experiment freely.

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