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Digging deeper. understanding how your garden works



Take the guesswork out of gardening! An expert presents a spectacularly photographed close-up introduction to what's going on under the soil and inside the plants. Here are the answers to such questions as "Why does too much water kill plants?" and "What makes a flower pink instead of blue?" as well as the inside secrets that give professionals their winning edge.


  • ISBN: 1840912677
  • Páginas: 160
  • Tamaño: 23X29
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2002

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Contenido Digging deeper. understanding how your garden works

Take the guesswork out of gardening! An expert presents a spectacularly photographed close-up introduction to what's going on under the soil and inside the plants. Here are the answers to such questions as "Why does too much water kill plants?" and "What makes a flower pink instead of blue?" as well as the inside secrets that give professionals their winning edge. Amazing images show the delicate structure of plants, from the moisture-trapping downy hairs on leaves and the intricate tracery of veins to the tangled roots that search deep into the earth. Understand the beautiful mechanics of plant life-how they adapt to inhospitable environments, propagate, and combat disease. Gardeners will draw on this knowledge time and time again.

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