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Rock garden. Design and construction



Few gardens can transport visitors to wild and rugged landscapes as well as rock gardens. Eye catching rock gardens are among the most challenging and satisfying expressions of the gardener's craft.


  • ISBN: 0881925837
  • Páginas: 316
  • Tamaño: 15X23
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2003

Disponibilidad: 15 a 30 Días

Contenido Rock garden. Design and construction

Few gardens can transport visitors to wild and rugged landscapes as well as rock gardens. Eye catching rock gardens are among the most challenging and satisfying expressions of the gardener's craft. A true rock garden is a specialized habitat that allows the gardener to grow plants that do not flourish anywhere else. This book offers the first comprehensive treatment of building rock gardens in all parts of North America. Topics covered include rock placement, materials, and planting and maintenance. Variations on the rock garden theme, from planting troughs to creating water features are also discussed. The book presents regional styles and techniques and profiles a dozen public rock gardens from Oregon to Newfoundland. More than 100 inspiring photos accompany the lively text.

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