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Kindergarten Architecture. Space for the imagination



This fully illustrated guide to the planning and design of pre-school facilities for children is supported by a broad range of case studies, drawn from around the world. Both new buildings and adapted premises are covered. Essays on social development and childcare put the projects in context.


  • ISBN: 0419245200
  • Páginas: 217
  • Tamaño: 21x30
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2000

Producto en liquidación - Últimas 1 Unidades.Disponibilidad Inmediata

Contenido Kindergarten Architecture. Space for the imagination

This fully illustrated guide to the planning and design of pre-school facilities for children is supported by a broad range of case studies, drawn from around the world. Both new buildings and adapted premises are covered. Essays on social development and childcare put the projects in context. Based on extensive research, Kindergarten Architecture offers the designer a unique survey of the best designs in kindergarten architecture. Two new kindergarten buildings are added to the case study section and the author provides guidance on the practical implications of recent changes to pre-school education. Contains two new case studies, 1. Corning Child Development Centre, New York and 2. Bornehaven De Fire Arstider, Copenhagen.

Responde al hecho de que si bien la mayor parte de la obra que en él aparece fue realizada cuando yo trabajaba solo, o en colaboración ocasional con algún compañero, desde hace algunos años la presencia de mis hijos arquitectos en el estudio hace que el trabajo que en él se produce sea un trabajo colectivo aunque no anónimo, ya que siempre tiene un autor responsable.

Preface and acknowledgements.Methodology.


1.An architectural framework for an educational discussion: conceptions and contradictions.
2. A selective history: aspects of children's culture and architecture for children
3. Meaning in contemporary kindergarten architecture.
4. Defining quality: characteristics of space within the kindergarten environment.
The Projects.
Late modern.
Illustration acknowledgements.



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